Sunday 30 May 2010

MCHS class of 2010

I don't really know how to start this blog. After 5 years of being around the same people, they're all suddenly gone. Admittedly, I will see them again, but it won't be the same as being in school with them for 5 days a week. As you've probably guessed, this blog is dedicated to them, for being so brilliant.
I'm going to start by sharing with you, the first day at MCHS. It was quite scary actually. Me and Chris had been 2 of the 3 that had moved from Larkfield Primary, to Meols Cop. Saying that, we weren't always at Larkfield. We had previously been to B.D.S.S. Looking around the hall, we could see a lot of old faces (well... if you could call them old at 11 years old). This made us even more nervous.
Anyway, the usual happened, we were sorted into our forms etc. My brother was in the first form to be sorted. Mrs Yates' form. Then it was Miss Wood's form. Then my form. 7SG. Miss Girvan's form. I can remember having my name be called out, and then sidling up to the front with the rest of the form, weighed down by equipment in our school bags.
After that, I can't remember. Its all gone from me.I can only remember selected parts of year 7 now. I'm not very pleased about that. I wanted to hang onto every memory. I can't do that. But I can remember the year 7 residential to Keswick. I'll give you a running description.
We left the school on the Friday afternoon. There was a load of us because of course, the first trip away with school. Everyone wanted to go. Me and Chris were among the lot of us. Anyway, coach ride up there was rubbish. We had to listen to Mr Phillips go on, and on, and on. I think I may skip to when we got there. Yes I will.
We were all told to go and sit on the grass with our luggage, where we were going to be told what tent we were in. I ended up in a tent with Sophie and Lauren.The food was rubbish, and so was the beds but hey, it was an adventure. I'm sorry,I can't remember everything. I'll move onto the year 8.
Year 8 residential was hilarious. We had Paul tell a tree that he loves it. I was in a tent with Lauren (again
) and Sian. The nights were hilarious because I played a practical joke on Beki Shaw. I went to the back of here tent (at night) and started making stupid noises.
"Sarah, there's a space on the floor of my tent with your name on it. Do you really want to spend the night with me?" Miss Gleeson said after I had been caught. Of course, I knew everyone a lot better.
This wasn't in contrast to the year 9 residential. Year 9 was epic!
I was in a tent with Jess, Emmeline and Sian (who was annoying me by this point). Sailing was funny. Paul was in a boat on his own. He got 15 meters out of shaw and then capsized. And then there was the trapeze. Funniest memory ever!
Chelsea was up on the trapeze (I actually solute her for getting up there anyway because I couldn't). Once she got to the top of the post, she was too scared to jump off!
"Chelsea, if you don't jump off that I will take your hair straighteners away from you" Miss Gleeson said and Chelsea was moaning "Oh, that's not fair". It was hilarious. Chelsea is one of my form members.

Anyways, I shall leave you with these memories for know while I think of some more,
Sarah x